“ The only people for me are the mad ones. The ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved. Desirous of everything at the same time. The ones who never yawn or say a common place thing, but burn burn burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.”
This is what I want all girls everywhere to know. You are all so special in your own ‘mad’ way. But you cannot be content just knowing you are special, speak up! Join the chorus of women around the world who are proclaiming that they are special, not just because they were born that way, but because they are doing something with their lives. These women always have somewhere to be. They walk with purpose because they know, someone out there is depending on their punctuality. The women who are crazy about life are the ones who will always succeed. They speak eloquently, but with a demanding tone because they know how to take charge of a room. From the moment they walk in everyone turns and says:
“That’s her.”
Be that woman who desires everything and burns with a fire that illuminates everyone’s best qualities around her. Talk and walk with purpose and you will always find what you’re looking for.